Plots the local clustering coefficient for all degrees that exist in the given graph.
G (networkit.Graph) – The input graph.
Plot the size distribution of connected components as a pie chart using matplotlib.
G (networkit.Graph) – The input graph.
relativeSizes (bool, optional) – If relativeSizes is set to True, the component sizes in the pie chart will correlate with their number of nodes. Default: True
Plots the core decomposition sequence of G, i.e. the size of the k-shell for the core number k using matplotlib.
Plots the degree distribution of the given network using matplotlib.
Prints the hop-plot using matplotlib.
General plotting function for a node attributes using matplotlib.
G (*kargs) – Input Graph of which node attributes are being plotted.
attribute (nk.graph.NodeAttribute or tuple(nk.graph.NodeAttribute)) – (tuple of) nk.graph.NodeAttribute attached to the graph.