Program Listing for File LocalFilterScore.hpp

Return to documentation for file (include/networkit/sparsification/LocalFilterScore.hpp)

 * LocalFilterScore.hpp
 *  Created on: 20.11.2014
 *      Author: Michael Hamann, Gerd Lindner


#include <atomic>
#include <memory>

#include <networkit/auxiliary/Parallel.hpp>
#include <networkit/edgescores/EdgeScore.hpp>

namespace NetworKit {

template <typename InType>
class LocalFilterScore final : public EdgeScore<double> {

    LocalFilterScore(const Graph &G, const std::vector<InType> &attribute, bool logarithmic = true)
        : EdgeScore<double>(G), attribute(&attribute), logarithmic(logarithmic) {}

    void run() override {
        if (!G->hasEdgeIds()) {
            throw std::runtime_error("edges have not been indexed - call indexEdges first");

         * For each edge, we calculate the minimum required sparsification exponent e
         * such that the edge is contained in the sparse graph.

        std::unique_ptr<std::atomic<double>[]> sparsificationExp(
            new std::atomic<double>[G->upperEdgeIdBound()] {});

        G->balancedParallelForNodes([&](node i) {
            count d = G->degree(i);

             * The top d^e edges (sorted by similarity in descending order)
             * are to be kept in the sparse graph.

            std::vector<edgeid> neighbors;
            G->forNeighborsOf(i, [&](node _i, node j, edgeid eid) { neighbors.emplace_back(eid); });

            std::sort(neighbors.begin(), neighbors.end(), [&](const edgeid &e1, const edgeid &e2) {
                return (*attribute)[e1] > (*attribute)[e2];

            count rank = 0;
            count numSame = 1;
            InType oldValue = std::numeric_limits<InType>::lowest();

            for (edgeid eid : neighbors) {
                if ((*attribute)[eid] != oldValue) {
                    rank += numSame;
                    numSame = 1;
                } else {

                double e = 1.0;

                if (d > 1) {
                    if (logarithmic) {
                        e = 1.0 - log(rank) / log(d);
                    } else {
                        e = 1.0 - (rank - 1) * 1.0 / (d - 1); // Keep top 1 + e * (d-1) edges

                Aux::Parallel::atomic_max(sparsificationExp[eid], e);


#pragma omp parallel for
        for (omp_index i = 0; i < static_cast<omp_index>(scoreData.size()); ++i) {
            scoreData[i] = sparsificationExp[i];

        hasRun = true;

    double score(node u, node v) override {
        throw std::runtime_error("Not implemented: Use scores() instead.");

    double score(edgeid eid) override {
        throw std::runtime_error("Not implemented: Use scores() instead.");

    const std::vector<InType> *attribute;
    bool logarithmic;

} // namespace NetworKit