Program Listing for File AllSimplePaths.hpp

Return to documentation for file (include/networkit/reachability/AllSimplePaths.hpp)

 *  AllSimplePaths.hpp
 *  Created on: 23.06.2017
 *      Author: Eugenio Angriman <>


#include <networkit/base/Algorithm.hpp>
#include <networkit/graph/Graph.hpp>

namespace NetworKit {

class AllSimplePaths final : public Algorithm {

    AllSimplePaths(const Graph &G, node source, node target, count cutoff = none);

    ~AllSimplePaths() override = default;

    void run() override;

    count numberOfSimplePaths();

     * This method returns a vector that contains all the simple paths from a source node to a
     * target node represented by vectors. Each path contains the source node as the first element
     * and the target node as the last element.
    std::vector<std::vector<node>> getAllSimplePaths();

     * This method iterates over all the simple paths and it is far more efficient than calling
     * getAllSimplePaths().
    template <typename L>
    void forAllSimplePaths(L handle);

     * This method iterates in parallel over all the simple paths and it is far more efficient than
     * calling getAllSimplePaths().
    template <typename L>
    void parallelForAllSimplePaths(L handle);

    // This method computes all the paths after a reverse BFS from the target node and a normal BFS
    // from the source node.
    void computePaths();

    // This method returns a queue that contains all the nodes that could be part of a path from the
    // source to the target that crosses @s.
    std::vector<node> getAvailableSources(node s, count pathLength = 0);

    // The graph
    const Graph *G;
    // The source node
    node source;
    // The target node
    node target;
    // The cutoff i.e. maximum length of paths from source to target. It is optional.
    count cutoff;

    // This vector contains the distance from each node to the target node.
    std::vector<count> distanceToTarget;
    // This vector contains the distance from the source node to each node.
    std::vector<count> distanceFromSource;
    // This vector contains all the possible paths from source to target.
    std::vector<std::vector<node>> paths;

inline count AllSimplePaths::numberOfSimplePaths() {
    return paths.size();

inline std::vector<std::vector<node>> AllSimplePaths::getAllSimplePaths() {
    return paths;

template <typename L>
void AllSimplePaths::forAllSimplePaths(L handle) {
    for (std::vector<std::vector<node>>::iterator it = paths.begin(); it != paths.end(); ++it) {

template <typename L>
void AllSimplePaths::parallelForAllSimplePaths(L handle) {
#pragma omp parallel for schedule(guided)
    for (omp_index i = 0; i < static_cast<omp_index>(paths.size()); ++i) {

} // namespace NetworKit