Program Listing for File KONECTGraphReader.hpp

Return to documentation for file (include/networkit/io/KONECTGraphReader.hpp)

 * KONECTGraphReader.hpp
 *  Created on: 11.05.2018
 *      Author: Roman Bange


#include <unordered_map>

#include <networkit/graph/Graph.hpp>
#include <networkit/io/GraphReader.hpp>

namespace NetworKit {
class KONECTGraphReader final : public GraphReader {

     * If the input graph has multiple edges, you can specify on how these edges are handled.
     * Keep in mind that NetworKit node id's start with 0 while most KONECT graphs start with 1.
     * See GraphReader.h for a closer description of the parameters.
     * @param[in]  remapNodes  specifies whether node ids should be remapped if non consecutive
     * @param[in]  handlingmethod  specifies how multiple edges should be handled (only relevant if
     * graph with multiple edges is given)
    KONECTGraphReader(bool remapNodes = false,
                      MultipleEdgesHandling handlingmethod = DISCARD_EDGES);

    Graph read(const std::string &path) override;

    bool remapNodes;
    MultipleEdgesHandling multipleEdgesHandlingMethod;
} /* namespace NetworKit */