Program Listing for File Graph.hpp

Return to documentation for file (include/networkit/graph/Graph.hpp)

 * Graph.hpp
 *  Created on: 01.06.2014
 *      Author: Christian Staudt
 *              Klara Reichard <>
 *              Marvin Ritter <>


#include <algorithm>
#include <fstream>
#include <functional>
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#include <numeric>
#include <omp.h>
#include <queue>
#include <sstream>
#include <stack>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <typeindex>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>

#include <networkit/Globals.hpp>
#include <networkit/auxiliary/ArrayTools.hpp>
#include <networkit/auxiliary/FunctionTraits.hpp>
#include <networkit/auxiliary/Log.hpp>
#include <networkit/auxiliary/Random.hpp>

#include <tlx/define/deprecated.hpp>

namespace NetworKit {

struct Edge {
    node u, v;

    Edge() : u(none), v(none) {}

    Edge(node _u, node _v, bool sorted = false) {
        u = sorted ? std::min(_u, _v) : _u;
        v = sorted ? std::max(_u, _v) : _v;

struct WeightedEdge : Edge {
    edgeweight weight;

    // Needed by cython
    WeightedEdge() : Edge(), weight(std::numeric_limits<edgeweight>::max()) {}

    WeightedEdge(node u, node v, edgeweight w) : Edge(u, v), weight(w) {}

struct WeightedEdgeWithId : WeightedEdge {
    edgeid eid;

    WeightedEdgeWithId(node u, node v, edgeweight w, edgeid eid)
        : WeightedEdge(u, v, w), eid(eid) {}

inline bool operator==(const Edge &e1, const Edge &e2) {
    return e1.u == e2.u && e1.v == e2.v;

inline bool operator<(const WeightedEdge &e1, const WeightedEdge &e2) {
    return e1.weight < e2.weight;

struct Unsafe {};
static constexpr Unsafe unsafe{};
} // namespace NetworKit

namespace std {
template <>
struct hash<NetworKit::Edge> {
    size_t operator()(const NetworKit::Edge &e) const { return hash_node(e.u) ^ hash_node(e.v); }

    hash<NetworKit::node> hash_node;
} // namespace std

namespace NetworKit {

// forward declaration to randomization/CurveballImpl.hpp
namespace CurveballDetails {
class CurveballMaterialization;

class Graph final {

    // graph attributes
    count n;
    count m;

    count storedNumberOfSelfLoops;

    node z;
    edgeid omega;
    count t;

    bool weighted;
    bool directed;
    bool edgesIndexed;

    bool maintainCompactEdges = false;
    bool maintainSortedEdges = false;

    edgeid deletedID;

    // per node data
    std::vector<bool> exists;

    std::vector<std::vector<node>> inEdges;
    std::vector<std::vector<node>> outEdges;

    std::vector<std::vector<edgeweight>> inEdgeWeights;
    std::vector<std::vector<edgeweight>> outEdgeWeights;

    std::vector<std::vector<edgeid>> inEdgeIds;
    std::vector<std::vector<edgeid>> outEdgeIds;

    // base class for all node (and edge) attribute
    // storages with attribute type info
    // independent of the attribute type, holds bookkeeping info only:
    // - attribute name
    // - type info of derived (real storage holding) classes
    // - which indices are valid
    // - number of valid indices
    // - the associated graph (who knows, which nodes/edges exist)
    // - the validity of the whole storage (initially true, false after detach)
    // all indexed accesses by NetworKit::index: synonym both for node and edgeid

    class PerNode {
        static constexpr bool edges = false;
    class PerEdge {
        static constexpr bool edges = true;

    template <typename NodeOrEdge>
    class AttributeStorageBase { // alias ASB
        AttributeStorageBase(const Graph *graph, std::string name, std::type_index type)
            : name{std::move(name)}, type{type}, theGraph{graph}, validStorage{true} {
            checkPremise(); // node for PerNode, theGraph.hasEdgeIds() for PerEdges

        void invalidateStorage() { validStorage = false; }

        const std::string &getName() const noexcept { return name; }

        std::type_index getType() const noexcept { return type; }

        bool isValid(index n) const noexcept { return n < valid.size() && valid[n]; }

        // Called by Graph when node/edgeid n is deleted.
        void invalidate(index n) {
            if (isValid(n)) {
                valid[n] = false;

        void markValid(index n) {
            indexOK(n); // specialized for node/edgeid
            if (n >= valid.size())
                valid.resize(n + 1);
            if (!valid[n]) {
                valid[n] = true;

        void checkIndex(index n) const {
            if (!isValid(n)) {
                throw std::runtime_error("Invalid attribute value");

        std::string name;
        std::type_index type;
        std::vector<bool> valid; // For each node/edgeid: whether attribute is set or not.

        void indexOK(index n) const;
        void checkPremise() const;
        index validElements = 0;
        const Graph *theGraph;
        bool validStorage; // Validity of the whole storage

    }; // class AttributeStorageBase

    template <typename NodeOrEdge>
    using ASB = AttributeStorageBase<NodeOrEdge>;

    template <typename NodeOrEdge, typename T, bool isConst>
    class Attribute;

    template <typename NodeOrEdge, template <typename> class Base, typename T>
    class AttributeStorage : public Base<NodeOrEdge> {
        AttributeStorage(const Graph *theGraph, std::string name)
            : Base<NodeOrEdge>{theGraph, std::move(name), typeid(T)} {}

        void resize(index i) {
            if (i >= values.size())
                values.resize(i + 1);

        auto size() const noexcept { return this->validElements; }

        void set(index i, T &&v) {
            values[i] = std::move(v);

        // instead of returning an std::optional (C++17) we provide these
        // C++14 options
        // (1) throw an exception when invalid:
        T get(index i) const { // may throw
            return values[i];

        // (2) give default value when invalid:
        T get(index i, T defaultT) const noexcept {
            if (i >= values.size() || !this->isValid(i))
                return defaultT;
            return values[i];

        friend Attribute<NodeOrEdge, T, true>;
        friend Attribute<NodeOrEdge, T, false>;

        using Base<NodeOrEdge>::theGraph;
        std::vector<T> values; // the real attribute storage
    }; // class AttributeStorage<NodeOrEdge, Base, T>

    template <typename NodeOrEdge, typename T, bool isConst>
    class Attribute {
        using AttributeStorage_type =
            std::conditional_t<isConst, const AttributeStorage<NodeOrEdge, ASB, T>,
                               AttributeStorage<NodeOrEdge, ASB, T>>;
        class Iterator {
            // The value type of the attribute. Returned by
            // operator*().
            using value_type = T;

            // Reference to the value_type, required by STL.
            using reference = std::conditional_t<isConst, const value_type &, value_type &>;

            // Pointer to the value_type, required by STL.
            using pointer = std::conditional_t<isConst, const value_type *, value_type *>;

            // STL iterator category.
            using iterator_category = std::forward_iterator_tag;

            // Signed integer type of the result of subtracting two pointers,
            // required by STL.
            using difference_type = ptrdiff_t;

            Iterator() : storage{nullptr}, idx{0} {}
            Iterator(AttributeStorage_type *storage) : storage{storage}, idx{0} {
                if (storage) {

            Iterator &nextValid() {
                while (storage && !storage->isValid(idx)) {
                    if (idx >= storage->values.size()) {
                        storage = nullptr;
                        return *this;
                return *this;

            Iterator &operator++() {
                if (!storage) {
                    throw std::runtime_error("Invalid attribute iterator");
                return nextValid();

            auto operator*() const {
                if (!storage) {
                    throw std::runtime_error("Invalid attribute iterator");
                return std::make_pair(idx, storage->values[idx]);

            bool operator==(Iterator const &iter) const noexcept {
                if (storage == nullptr && == nullptr) {
                    return true;
                return storage == && idx == iter.idx;

            bool operator!=(Iterator const &iter) const noexcept { return !(*this == iter); }

            AttributeStorage_type *storage;
            index idx;
        }; // class Iterator

        class IndexProxy {
            // a helper class for distinguished read and write on an indexed
            // attribute
            // operator[] on an attribute yields an IndexProxy holding
            // location and index of access
            //    - casting an IndexProxy to the attribute type reads the value
            //    - assigning to it (operator=) writes the value
            IndexProxy(AttributeStorage_type *storage, index idx) : storage{storage}, idx{idx} {}

            // reading at idx
            operator T() const {
                return storage->values[idx];

            // writing at idx
            template <bool ic = isConst>
            std::enable_if_t<!ic, T> &operator=(T &&other) {
                storage->set(idx, std::move(other));
                return storage->values[idx];

            AttributeStorage_type *storage;
            index idx;
        }; // class IndexProxy
        explicit Attribute(std::shared_ptr<AttributeStorage_type> ownedStorage = nullptr)
            : ownedStorage{ownedStorage}, valid{ownedStorage != nullptr} {}

        Attribute(Attribute const &other) : ownedStorage{other.ownedStorage}, valid{other.valid} {}

        template <bool ic = isConst, std::enable_if_t<ic, int> = 0>
        Attribute(Attribute<NodeOrEdge, T, false> const &other)
            : ownedStorage{other.ownedStorage}, valid{other.valid} {}

        Attribute &operator=(Attribute other) {
            return *this;

        void swap(Attribute &other) {
            std::swap(ownedStorage, other.ownedStorage);
            std::swap(valid, other.valid);

        Attribute(Attribute &&other) noexcept
            : ownedStorage{std::move(other.ownedStorage)}, valid{other.valid} {
            other.valid = false;

        template <bool ic = isConst, std::enable_if_t<ic, int> = 0>
        Attribute(Attribute<NodeOrEdge, T, false> &&other) noexcept
            : ownedStorage{std::move(other.ownedStorage)}, valid{other.valid} {
            other.valid = false;

        auto begin() const {
            return Iterator(ownedStorage.get()).nextValid();

        auto end() const { return Iterator(nullptr); }

        auto size() const noexcept { return ownedStorage->size(); }

        template <bool ic = isConst>
        std::enable_if_t<!ic> set(index i, T v) {
            ownedStorage->set(i, std::move(v));

        template <bool ic = isConst>
        std::enable_if_t<!ic> set2(node u, node v, T t) {
            static_assert(NodeOrEdge::edges, "attribute(u,v) for edges only");
            set(ownedStorage->theGraph->edgeId(u, v), t);

        auto get(index i) const {
            return ownedStorage->get(i);

        auto get2(node u, node v) const {
            static_assert(NodeOrEdge::edges, "attribute(u,v) for edges only");
            return get(ownedStorage->theGraph->edgeId(u, v));

        auto get(index i, T defaultT) const {
            return ownedStorage->get(i, defaultT);

        auto get2(node u, node v, T defaultT) const {
            static_assert(NodeOrEdge::edges, "attribute(u,v) for edges only");
            return get(ownedStorage->theGraph->edgeId(u, v), defaultT);

        IndexProxy operator[](index i) const {
            return IndexProxy(ownedStorage.get(), i);

        IndexProxy operator()(node u, node v) const {
            static_assert(NodeOrEdge::edges, "attribute(u,v) for edges only");
            return IndexProxy(ownedStorage.get(), ownedStorage->theGraph->edgeId(u, v));

        void checkAttribute() const {
            if (!ownedStorage->validStorage)
                throw std::runtime_error("Invalid attribute");

        auto getName() const {
            return ownedStorage->getName();

        void write(std::string const &filename) const {
            std::ofstream out(filename);
            if (!out)
                ERROR("cannot open ", filename, " for writing");

            for (auto it = begin(); it != end(); ++it) {
                auto pair = *it;
                auto n = pair.first;  // node/edgeid
                auto v = pair.second; // value
                out << n << "\t" << v << "\n";

        template <bool ic = isConst>
        std::enable_if_t<!ic> read(const std::string &filename) {
            std::ifstream in(filename);
            if (!in) {
                ERROR("cannot open ", filename, " for reading");
            index n; // node/edgeid
            T v;     // value
            std::string line;
            while (std::getline(in, line)) {
                std::istringstream istring(line);
                istring >> n >> v;
                set(n, v);

        std::shared_ptr<AttributeStorage_type> ownedStorage;
        bool valid;
    }; // class Attribute

    template <typename NodeOrEdge>
    class AttributeMap {
        friend Graph;
        const Graph *theGraph;

        std::unordered_map<std::string, std::shared_ptr<ASB<NodeOrEdge>>> attrMap;

        AttributeMap(const Graph *g) : theGraph{g} {}

        auto find(std::string const &name) {
            auto it = attrMap.find(name);
            if (it == attrMap.end()) {
                throw std::runtime_error("No such attribute");
            return it;

        auto find(std::string const &name) const {
            auto it = attrMap.find(name);
            if (it == attrMap.end()) {
                throw std::runtime_error("No such attribute");
            return it;

        template <typename T>
        auto attach(const std::string &name) {
            auto ownedPtr =
                std::make_shared<AttributeStorage<NodeOrEdge, ASB, T>>(theGraph, std::string{name});
            auto insertResult = attrMap.emplace(ownedPtr->getName(), ownedPtr);
            auto success = insertResult.second;
            if (!success) {
                throw std::runtime_error("Attribute with same name already exists");
            return Attribute<NodeOrEdge, T, false>{ownedPtr};

        void detach(const std::string &name) {
            auto it = find(name);
            auto storage = it->second.get();

        template <typename T>
        auto get(const std::string &name) {
            auto it = find(name);
            if (it->second.get()->getType() != typeid(T))
                throw std::runtime_error("Type mismatch in Attributes().get()");
            return Attribute<NodeOrEdge, T, false>{
                std::static_pointer_cast<AttributeStorage<NodeOrEdge, ASB, T>>(it->second)};

        template <typename T>
        auto get(const std::string &name) const {
            auto it = find(name);
            if (it->second.get()->getType() != typeid(T))
                throw std::runtime_error("Type mismatch in Attributes().get()");
            return Attribute<NodeOrEdge, T, true>{
                std::static_pointer_cast<const AttributeStorage<NodeOrEdge, ASB, T>>(it->second)};

    }; // class AttributeMap

    AttributeMap<PerNode> nodeAttributeMap;
    AttributeMap<PerEdge> edgeAttributeMap;

    auto &nodeAttributes() noexcept { return nodeAttributeMap; }
    const auto &nodeAttributes() const noexcept { return nodeAttributeMap; }
    auto &edgeAttributes() noexcept { return edgeAttributeMap; }
    const auto &edgeAttributes() const noexcept { return edgeAttributeMap; }

    // wrap up some typed attributes for the cython interface:

    auto attachNodeIntAttribute(const std::string &name) {
        nodeAttributes().theGraph = this;
        return nodeAttributes().attach<int>(name);

    auto attachEdgeIntAttribute(const std::string &name) {
        edgeAttributes().theGraph = this;
        return edgeAttributes().attach<int>(name);

    auto attachNodeDoubleAttribute(const std::string &name) {
        nodeAttributes().theGraph = this;
        return nodeAttributes().attach<double>(name);

    auto attachEdgeDoubleAttribute(const std::string &name) {
        edgeAttributes().theGraph = this;
        return edgeAttributes().attach<double>(name);

    auto attachNodeStringAttribute(const std::string &name) {
        nodeAttributes().theGraph = this;
        return nodeAttributes().attach<std::string>(name);

    auto attachEdgeStringAttribute(const std::string &name) {
        edgeAttributes().theGraph = this;
        return edgeAttributes().attach<std::string>(name);

    auto getNodeIntAttribute(const std::string &name) {
        nodeAttributes().theGraph = this;
        return nodeAttributes().get<int>(name);

    auto getEdgeIntAttribute(const std::string &name) {
        edgeAttributes().theGraph = this;
        return edgeAttributes().get<int>(name);

    auto getNodeDoubleAttribute(const std::string &name) {
        nodeAttributes().theGraph = this;
        return nodeAttributes().get<double>(name);

    auto getEdgeDoubleAttribute(const std::string &name) {
        edgeAttributes().theGraph = this;
        return edgeAttributes().get<double>(name);

    auto getNodeStringAttribute(const std::string &name) {
        nodeAttributes().theGraph = this;
        return nodeAttributes().get<std::string>(name);

    auto getEdgeStringAttribute(const std::string &name) {
        edgeAttributes().theGraph = this;
        return edgeAttributes().get<std::string>(name);

    void detachNodeAttribute(std::string const &name) {
        nodeAttributes().theGraph = this;

    void detachEdgeAttribute(std::string const &name) {
        edgeAttributes().theGraph = this;

    using NodeIntAttribute = Attribute<PerNode, int, false>;
    using NodeDoubleAttribute = Attribute<PerNode, double, false>;
    using NodeStringAttribute = Attribute<PerNode, std::string, false>;

    using EdgeIntAttribute = Attribute<PerEdge, int, false>;
    using EdgeDoubleAttribute = Attribute<PerEdge, double, false>;
    using EdgeStringAttribute = Attribute<PerEdge, std::string, false>;

    index indexInInEdgeArray(node v, node u) const;

    index indexInOutEdgeArray(node u, node v) const;

    edgeweight computeWeightedDegree(node u, bool inDegree = false,
                                     bool countSelfLoopsTwice = false) const;

    template <bool hasWeights>
    inline edgeweight getOutEdgeWeight(node u, index i) const;

    template <bool hasWeights>
    inline edgeweight getInEdgeWeight(node u, index i) const;

    template <bool graphHasEdgeIds>
    inline edgeid getOutEdgeId(node u, index i) const;

    template <bool graphHasEdgeIds>
    inline edgeid getInEdgeId(node u, index i) const;

    template <bool graphIsDirected>
    inline bool useEdgeInIteration(node u, node v) const;

    template <bool graphIsDirected, bool hasWeights, bool graphHasEdgeIds, typename L>
    inline void forOutEdgesOfImpl(node u, L handle) const;

    template <bool graphIsDirected, bool hasWeights, bool graphHasEdgeIds, typename L>
    inline void forInEdgesOfImpl(node u, L handle) const;

    template <bool graphIsDirected, bool hasWeights, bool graphHasEdgeIds, typename L>
    inline void forEdgeImpl(L handle) const;

    template <bool graphIsDirected, bool hasWeights, bool graphHasEdgeIds, typename L>
    inline void parallelForEdgesImpl(L handle) const;

    template <bool graphIsDirected, bool hasWeights, bool graphHasEdgeIds, typename L>
    inline double parallelSumForEdgesImpl(L handle) const;

     * In the following definition, Aux::FunctionTraits is used in order to only
     * execute lambda functions with the appropriate parameters. The
     * decltype-return type is used for determining the return type of the
     * lambda (needed for summation) but also determines if the lambda accepts
     * the correct number of parameters. Otherwise the return type declaration
     * fails and the function is excluded from overload resolution. Then there
     * are multiple possible lambdas with three (third parameter id or weight)
     * and two (second parameter can be second node id or edge weight for
     * neighbor iterators). This is checked using Aux::FunctionTraits and
     * std::enable_if. std::enable_if only defines the type member when the
     * given bool is true, this bool comes from std::is_same which compares two
     * types. The function traits give either the parameter type or if it is out
     * of bounds they define type as void.

    template <class F, void * = (void *)0>
    typename Aux::FunctionTraits<F>::result_type edgeLambda(F &, ...) const {
        // the strange condition is used in order to delay the evaluation of the
        // static assert to the moment when this function is actually used
        static_assert(!std::is_same<F, F>::value,
                      "Your lambda does not support the required parameters or the "
                      "parameters have the wrong type.");
        return std::declval<typename Aux::FunctionTraits<F>::result_type>(); // use the correct
                                                                             // return type (this
                                                                             // won't compile)

    template <class F,
              typename std::enable_if<
                  (Aux::FunctionTraits<F>::arity >= 3)
                  && std::is_same<edgeweight,
                                  typename Aux::FunctionTraits<F>::template arg<2>::type>::value
                  && std::is_same<edgeid, typename Aux::FunctionTraits<F>::template arg<3>::type>::
                      value>::type * = (void *)0>
    auto edgeLambda(F &f, node u, node v, edgeweight ew,
                    edgeid id) const -> decltype(f(u, v, ew, id)) {
        return f(u, v, ew, id);

    template <
        class F,
        typename std::enable_if<
            (Aux::FunctionTraits<F>::arity >= 2)
            && std::is_same<edgeid, typename Aux::FunctionTraits<F>::template arg<2>::type>::value
            && std::is_same<node, typename Aux::FunctionTraits<F>::template arg<1>::type>::
                value /* prevent f(v, weight, eid)
            >::type * = (void *)0>
    auto edgeLambda(F &f, node u, node v, edgeweight, edgeid id) const -> decltype(f(u, v, id)) {
        return f(u, v, id);

    template <class F,
              typename std::enable_if<
                  (Aux::FunctionTraits<F>::arity >= 2)
                  && std::is_same<edgeweight, typename Aux::FunctionTraits<F>::template arg<
                                                  2>::type>::value>::type * = (void *)0>
    auto edgeLambda(F &f, node u, node v, edgeweight ew,
                    edgeid /*id*/) const -> decltype(f(u, v, ew)) {
        return f(u, v, ew);

    template <class F, typename std::enable_if<
                           (Aux::FunctionTraits<F>::arity >= 1)
                           && std::is_same<node, typename Aux::FunctionTraits<F>::template arg<
                                                     1>::type>::value>::type * = (void *)0>
    auto edgeLambda(F &f, node u, node v, edgeweight /*ew*/,
                    edgeid /*id*/) const -> decltype(f(u, v)) {
        return f(u, v);

    template <class F,
              typename std::enable_if<
                  (Aux::FunctionTraits<F>::arity >= 1)
                  && std::is_same<edgeweight, typename Aux::FunctionTraits<F>::template arg<
                                                  1>::type>::value>::type * = (void *)0>
    auto edgeLambda(F &f, node, node v, edgeweight ew, edgeid /*id*/) const -> decltype(f(v, ew)) {
        return f(v, ew);

    template <class F, void * = (void *)0>
    auto edgeLambda(F &f, node, node v, edgeweight, edgeid) const -> decltype(f(v)) {
        return f(v);

    template <class F>
    auto callBFSHandle(F &f, node u, count dist) const -> decltype(f(u, dist)) {
        return f(u, dist);

    template <class F>
    auto callBFSHandle(F &f, node u, count) const -> decltype(f(u)) {
        return f(u);

    class NodeIterator {

        const Graph *G;
        node u;

        // The value type of the nodes (i.e. nodes). Returned by
        // operator*().
        using value_type = node;

        // Reference to the value_type, required by STL.
        using reference = value_type &;

        // Pointer to the value_type, required by STL.
        using pointer = value_type *;

        // STL iterator category.
        using iterator_category = std::forward_iterator_tag;

        // Signed integer type of the result of subtracting two pointers,
        // required by STL.
        using difference_type = ptrdiff_t;

        // Own type.
        using self = NodeIterator;

        NodeIterator(const Graph *G, node u) : G(G), u(u) {
            if (!G->hasNode(u) && u < G->upperNodeIdBound()) {

        NodeIterator() : G(nullptr) {}

        ~NodeIterator() = default;

        NodeIterator &operator++() {
            assert(u < G->upperNodeIdBound());
            do {
            } while (!(G->hasNode(u) || u >= G->upperNodeIdBound()));
            return *this;

        NodeIterator operator++(int) {
            const auto tmp = *this;
            return tmp;

        NodeIterator operator--() {
            do {
            } while (!G->hasNode(u));
            return *this;

        NodeIterator operator--(int) {
            const auto tmp = *this;
            return tmp;

        bool operator==(const NodeIterator &rhs) const noexcept { return u == rhs.u; }

        bool operator!=(const NodeIterator &rhs) const noexcept { return !(*this == rhs); }

        node operator*() const noexcept {
            assert(u < G->upperNodeIdBound());
            return u;

    class NodeRange {

        const Graph *G;

        NodeRange(const Graph &G) : G(&G) {}

        NodeRange() : G(nullptr) {};

        ~NodeRange() = default;

        NodeIterator begin() const noexcept {
            return NodeIterator(G, node{0});

        NodeIterator end() const noexcept {
            return NodeIterator(G, G->upperNodeIdBound());

    // Necessary for friendship with EdgeIteratorBase.
    class EdgeIterator;
    class EdgeWeightIterator;

    class EdgeIteratorBase {
        friend class EdgeIterator;
        friend class EdgeWeightIterator;

        const Graph *G;
        NodeIterator nodeIter;
        index i;

        bool validEdge() const noexcept {
            return G->isDirected() || (*nodeIter <= G->outEdges[*nodeIter][i]);

        void nextEdge() {
            do {
                if (++i >= G->degree(*nodeIter)) {
                    i = 0;
                    do {
                        assert(nodeIter != G->nodeRange().end());
                        if (nodeIter == G->nodeRange().end()) {
                    } while (!G->degree(*nodeIter));
            } while (!validEdge());

        void prevEdge() {
            do {
                if (!i) {
                    do {
                        assert(nodeIter != G->nodeRange().begin());
                    } while (!G->degree(*nodeIter));

                    i = G->degree(*nodeIter);
            } while (!validEdge());

        EdgeIteratorBase(const Graph *G, NodeIterator nodeIter)
            : G(G), nodeIter(nodeIter), i(index{0}) {
            if (nodeIter != G->nodeRange().end() && !G->degree(*nodeIter)) {

        EdgeIteratorBase() : G(nullptr) {}

        virtual ~EdgeIteratorBase() = default;

        bool operator==(const EdgeIteratorBase &rhs) const noexcept {
            return nodeIter == rhs.nodeIter && i == rhs.i;

        bool operator!=(const EdgeIteratorBase &rhs) const noexcept { return !(*this == rhs); }

    class EdgeIterator : public EdgeIteratorBase {

        // The value type of the edges (i.e. a pair). Returned by operator*().
        using value_type = Edge;

        // Reference to the value_type, required by STL.
        using reference = value_type &;

        // Pointer to the value_type, required by STL.
        using pointer = value_type *;

        // STL iterator category.
        using iterator_category = std::forward_iterator_tag;

        // Signed integer type of the result of subtracting two pointers,
        // required by STL.
        using difference_type = ptrdiff_t;

        // Own type.
        using self = EdgeIterator;

        EdgeIterator(const Graph *G, NodeIterator nodeIter) : EdgeIteratorBase(G, nodeIter) {}

        EdgeIterator() : EdgeIteratorBase() {}

        bool operator==(const EdgeIterator &rhs) const noexcept {
            return this->EdgeIteratorBase::operator==(static_cast<EdgeIteratorBase>(rhs));

        bool operator!=(const EdgeIterator &rhs) const noexcept { return !(*this == rhs); }

        Edge operator*() const noexcept {
            assert(nodeIter != G->nodeRange().end());
            return Edge(*nodeIter, G->outEdges[*nodeIter][i]);

        EdgeIterator &operator++() {
            return *this;

        EdgeIterator operator++(int) {
            const auto tmp = *this;
            return tmp;

        EdgeIterator operator--() {
            return *this;

        EdgeIterator operator--(int) {
            const auto tmp = *this;
            return tmp;

    class EdgeWeightIterator : public EdgeIteratorBase {
        // The value type of the edges and their weights (i.e. WeightedEdge). Returned by
        // operator*().
        using value_type = WeightedEdge;

        // Reference to the value_type, required by STL.
        using reference = value_type &;

        // Pointer to the value_type, required by STL.
        using pointer = value_type *;

        // STL iterator category.
        using iterator_category = std::forward_iterator_tag;

        // Signed integer type of the result of subtracting two pointers,
        // required by STL.
        using difference_type = ptrdiff_t;

        // Own type.
        using self = EdgeWeightIterator;

        EdgeWeightIterator(const Graph *G, NodeIterator nodeIter) : EdgeIteratorBase(G, nodeIter) {}

        EdgeWeightIterator() : EdgeIteratorBase() {}

        bool operator==(const EdgeWeightIterator &rhs) const noexcept {
            return this->EdgeIteratorBase::operator==(static_cast<EdgeIteratorBase>(rhs));

        bool operator!=(const EdgeWeightIterator &rhs) const noexcept { return !(*this == rhs); }

        EdgeWeightIterator &operator++() {
            return *this;

        EdgeWeightIterator operator++(int) {
            const auto tmp = *this;
            return tmp;

        EdgeWeightIterator operator--() {
            return *this;

        EdgeWeightIterator operator--(int) {
            const auto tmp = *this;
            return tmp;

        WeightedEdge operator*() const noexcept {
            assert(nodeIter != G->nodeRange().end());
            return WeightedEdge(*nodeIter, G->outEdges[*nodeIter][i],
                                G->isWeighted() ? G->outEdgeWeights[*nodeIter][i] : 1);

    class EdgeRange {

        const Graph *G;

        EdgeRange(const Graph &G) : G(&G) {}

        EdgeRange() : G(nullptr) {};

        ~EdgeRange() = default;

        EdgeIterator begin() const {
            return EdgeIterator(G, G->nodeRange().begin());

        EdgeIterator end() const {
            return EdgeIterator(G, G->nodeRange().end());

    class EdgeWeightRange {

        const Graph *G;

        EdgeWeightRange(const Graph &G) : G(&G) {}

        EdgeWeightRange() : G(nullptr) {};

        ~EdgeWeightRange() = default;

        EdgeWeightIterator begin() const {
            return EdgeWeightIterator(G, G->nodeRange().begin());

        EdgeWeightIterator end() const {
            return EdgeWeightIterator(G, G->nodeRange().end());

    class NeighborIterator {

        std::vector<node>::const_iterator nIter;

        // The value type of the neighbors (i.e. nodes). Returned by
        // operator*().
        using value_type = node;

        // Reference to the value_type, required by STL.
        using reference = value_type &;

        // Pointer to the value_type, required by STL.
        using pointer = value_type *;

        // STL iterator category.
        using iterator_category = std::forward_iterator_tag;

        // Signed integer type of the result of subtracting two pointers,
        // required by STL.
        using difference_type = ptrdiff_t;

        // Own type.
        using self = NeighborIterator;

        NeighborIterator(std::vector<node>::const_iterator nodesIter) : nIter(nodesIter) {}

        NeighborIterator() {}

        NeighborIterator &operator++() {
            return *this;

        NeighborIterator operator++(int) {
            const auto tmp = *this;
            return tmp;

        NeighborIterator operator--() {
            const auto tmp = *this;
            return tmp;

        NeighborIterator operator--(int) {
            return *this;

        bool operator==(const NeighborIterator &rhs) const { return nIter == rhs.nIter; }

        bool operator!=(const NeighborIterator &rhs) const { return !(nIter == rhs.nIter); }

        node operator*() const { return *nIter; }

    class NeighborWeightIterator {

        std::vector<node>::const_iterator nIter;
        std::vector<edgeweight>::const_iterator wIter;

        // The value type of the neighbors (i.e. nodes). Returned by
        // operator*().
        using value_type = std::pair<node, edgeweight>;

        // Reference to the value_type, required by STL.
        using reference = value_type &;

        // Pointer to the value_type, required by STL.
        using pointer = value_type *;

        // STL iterator category.
        using iterator_category = std::forward_iterator_tag;

        // Signed integer type of the result of subtracting two pointers,
        // required by STL.
        using difference_type = ptrdiff_t;

        // Own type.
        using self = NeighborWeightIterator;

        NeighborWeightIterator(std::vector<node>::const_iterator nodesIter,
                               std::vector<edgeweight>::const_iterator weightIter)
            : nIter(nodesIter), wIter(weightIter) {}

        NeighborWeightIterator() {}

        NeighborWeightIterator &operator++() {
            return *this;

        NeighborWeightIterator operator++(int) {
            const auto tmp = *this;
            return tmp;

        NeighborWeightIterator operator--() {
            return *this;

        NeighborWeightIterator operator--(int) {
            const auto tmp = *this;
            return tmp;

        bool operator==(const NeighborWeightIterator &rhs) const {
            return nIter == rhs.nIter && wIter == rhs.wIter;

        bool operator!=(const NeighborWeightIterator &rhs) const { return !(*this == rhs); }

        std::pair<node, edgeweight> operator*() const { return std::make_pair(*nIter, *wIter); }

    template <bool InEdges = false>
    class NeighborRange {
        const Graph *G;
        node u;

        NeighborRange(const Graph &G, node u) : G(&G), u(u) { assert(G.hasNode(u)); };

        NeighborRange() : G(nullptr) {};

        NeighborIterator begin() const {
            return InEdges ? NeighborIterator(G->inEdges[u].begin())
                           : NeighborIterator(G->outEdges[u].begin());

        NeighborIterator end() const {
            return InEdges ? NeighborIterator(G->inEdges[u].end())
                           : NeighborIterator(G->outEdges[u].end());

    using OutNeighborRange = NeighborRange<false>;

    using InNeighborRange = NeighborRange<true>;
    template <bool InEdges = false>
    class NeighborWeightRange {

        const Graph *G;
        node u;

        NeighborWeightRange(const Graph &G, node u) : G(&G), u(u) { assert(G.hasNode(u)); };

        NeighborWeightRange() : G(nullptr) {};

        NeighborWeightIterator begin() const {
            return InEdges
                       ? NeighborWeightIterator(G->inEdges[u].begin(), G->inEdgeWeights[u].begin())
                       : NeighborWeightIterator(G->outEdges[u].begin(),

        NeighborWeightIterator end() const {
            return InEdges
                       ? NeighborWeightIterator(G->inEdges[u].end(), G->inEdgeWeights[u].end())
                       : NeighborWeightIterator(G->outEdges[u].end(), G->outEdgeWeights[u].end());

    using OutNeighborWeightRange = NeighborWeightRange<false>;

    using InNeighborWeightRange = NeighborWeightRange<true>;

    Graph(count n = 0, bool weighted = false, bool directed = false, bool edgesIndexed = false);

    template <class EdgeMerger = std::plus<edgeweight>>
    Graph(const Graph &G, bool weighted, bool directed, bool edgesIndexed = false,
          EdgeMerger edgeMerger = std::plus<edgeweight>())
        : n(G.n), m(G.m), storedNumberOfSelfLoops(G.storedNumberOfSelfLoops), z(G.z),
          omega(edgesIndexed ? : 0), t(G.t), weighted(weighted), directed(directed),
          edgesIndexed(edgesIndexed), // edges are not indexed by default

          // let the following be empty for the start, we fill them later
          inEdges(0), outEdges(0), inEdgeWeights(0), outEdgeWeights(0), inEdgeIds(0), outEdgeIds(0),

          // empty node attribute map as last member for this graph
          nodeAttributeMap(this), edgeAttributeMap(this) {

        if (G.isDirected() == directed) {
            // G.inEdges might be empty (if G is undirected), but
            // that's fine
            inEdges = G.inEdges;
            outEdges = G.outEdges;

            // copy weights if needed
            if (weighted) {
                if (G.isWeighted()) {
                    // just copy from G, again either both graphs are directed or both are
                    // undirected
                    inEdgeWeights = G.inEdgeWeights;
                    outEdgeWeights = G.outEdgeWeights;
                } else {
                    // G has no weights, set defaultEdgeWeight for all edges
                    if (directed) {
                        for (node u = 0; u < z; u++) {
                            inEdgeWeights[u].resize(G.inEdges[u].size(), defaultEdgeWeight);

                    for (node u = 0; u < z; u++) {
                        outEdgeWeights[u].resize(outEdges[u].size(), defaultEdgeWeight);
            if (G.hasEdgeIds() && edgesIndexed) {
                inEdgeIds = G.inEdgeIds;
                outEdgeIds = G.outEdgeIds;
        } else if (G.isDirected()) {
            // G is directed, but we want an undirected graph
            // so we need to combine the out and in stuff for every node
            if (weighted)
            if (G.hasEdgeIds() && edgesIndexed)
            G.balancedParallelForNodes([&](node u) {
                // copy both out and in edges into our new outEdges
                outEdges[u].reserve(G.outEdges[u].size() + G.inEdges[u].size());
                outEdges[u].insert(outEdges[u].end(), G.outEdges[u].begin(), G.outEdges[u].end());
                if (weighted) {
                    if (G.isWeighted()) {
                        // same for weights
                                                  + G.inEdgeWeights[u].size());
                    } else {
                        // we are undirected, so no need to write anything into inEdgeWeights
                        outEdgeWeights[u].resize(outEdges[u].size(), defaultEdgeWeight);
                if (G.hasEdgeIds() && edgesIndexed) {
                    // copy both out and in edges ids into our new outEdgesIds
                    outEdgeIds[u].reserve(G.outEdgeIds[u].size() + G.inEdgeIds[u].size());
                    outEdgeIds[u].insert(outEdgeIds[u].end(), G.outEdgeIds[u].begin(),
            G.balancedParallelForNodes([&](node u) {
                // this is necessary to avoid multi edges, because both u -> v and v -> u can exist
                // in G
                count edgeSurplus = 0;
                for (count i = 0; i < G.inEdges[u].size(); ++i) {
                    node v = G.inEdges[u][i];
                    bool alreadyPresent = false;
                    for (count j = 0; j < G.outEdges[u].size(); ++j) {
                        if (v != G.outEdges[u][j])
                            continue; // the edge already exists as an out edge
                        alreadyPresent = true;
                        if (u != v) {
                            if (weighted) // we need combine those edges weights when making it a
                                          // single edge
                                outEdgeWeights[u][j] =
                                        ? edgeMerger(G.inEdgeWeights[u][i], G.outEdgeWeights[u][j])
                                        : edgeMerger(defaultEdgeWeight, defaultEdgeWeight);
                            if (G.hasEdgeIds() && edgesIndexed)
                                outEdgeIds[u][j] = std::min(G.inEdgeIds[u][i], G.outEdgeIds[u][j]);
                    if (!alreadyPresent) { // an equivalent out edge wasn't present so we add it
                        if (weighted)
                            outEdgeWeights[u].push_back(G.isWeighted() ? G.inEdgeWeights[u][i]
                                                                       : defaultEdgeWeight);
                        if (G.hasEdgeIds() && edgesIndexed)
#pragma omp atomic
                m -= edgeSurplus;
        } else {
            // G is not directed, but this copy should be
            // generally we can can copy G.out stuff into our in stuff
            inEdges = G.outEdges;
            outEdges = G.outEdges;
            if (weighted) {
                if (G.isWeighted()) {
                    inEdgeWeights = G.outEdgeWeights;
                    outEdgeWeights = G.outEdgeWeights;
                } else {
                    // initialize both inEdgeWeights and outEdgeWeights with the
                    // defaultEdgeWeight
                    for (node u = 0; u < z; ++u) {
                        inEdgeWeights[u].resize(inEdges[u].size(), defaultEdgeWeight);
                    for (node u = 0; u < z; ++u) {
                        outEdgeWeights[u].resize(outEdges[u].size(), defaultEdgeWeight);
            if (G.hasEdgeIds() && edgesIndexed) {
                inEdgeIds = G.outEdgeIds;
                outEdgeIds = G.outEdgeIds;

        if (!G.edgesIndexed && edgesIndexed)

    Graph(std::initializer_list<WeightedEdge> edges);

    Graph(const Graph &other) = default;

    Graph(Graph &&other) noexcept = default;

    ~Graph() = default;

    Graph &operator=(Graph &&other) noexcept = default;

    Graph &operator=(const Graph &other) = default;

    void preallocateUndirected(node u, size_t size);

    void preallocateDirected(node u, size_t outSize, size_t inSize);

    void preallocateDirectedOutEdges(node u, size_t outSize);

    void preallocateDirectedInEdges(node u, size_t inSize);

    void indexEdges(bool force = false);

    bool hasEdgeIds() const noexcept { return edgesIndexed; }

    edgeid edgeId(node u, node v) const;

    std::pair<node, node> edgeById(index id) const {
        std::pair<node, node> result{none, none};
        bool found = false;

        forNodesWhile([&] { return !found; },
                      [&](node u) {
                          forNeighborsOf(u, [&](node v) {
                              if (!this->isDirected() && v < u)
                              auto uvId = edgeId(u, v);
                              if (uvId == id) {
                                  found = true;
                                  result = std::make_pair(u, v);

        return result;

    index upperEdgeIdBound() const noexcept { return omega; }

    void shrinkToFit();

    void TLX_DEPRECATED(compactEdges());

    void sortEdges();

    template <class Lambda>
    void sortEdges(Lambda lambda);

    void setEdgeCount(Unsafe, count edges) { m = edges; }

    void setUpperEdgeIdBound(Unsafe, edgeid newBound) { omega = newBound; }

    void setNumberOfSelfLoops(Unsafe, count loops) { storedNumberOfSelfLoops = loops; }


    node addNode();

    node addNodes(count numberOfNewNodes);

    void removeNode(node v);

    void removePartialOutEdges(Unsafe, node u) {
        if (isWeighted()) {
        if (hasEdgeIds()) {

    void removePartialInEdges(Unsafe, node u) {
        if (isWeighted()) {
        if (hasEdgeIds()) {

    bool hasNode(node v) const noexcept { return (v < z) && this->exists[v]; }

    void restoreNode(node v);

    count degree(node v) const {
        return outEdges[v].size();

    count degreeIn(node v) const {
        return directed ? inEdges[v].size() : outEdges[v].size();

    count degreeOut(node v) const { return degree(v); }

    bool isIsolated(node v) const {
        if (!exists[v])
            throw std::runtime_error("Error, the node does not exist!");
        return outEdges[v].empty() && (!directed || inEdges[v].empty());

    edgeweight weightedDegree(node u, bool countSelfLoopsTwice = false) const;

    edgeweight weightedDegreeIn(node u, bool countSelfLoopsTwice = false) const;


    bool addEdge(node u, node v, edgeweight ew = defaultEdgeWeight, bool checkMultiEdge = false);

    bool addPartialEdge(Unsafe, node u, node v, edgeweight ew = defaultEdgeWeight,
                        uint64_t index = 0, bool checkForMultiEdges = false);

    bool addPartialInEdge(Unsafe, node u, node v, edgeweight ew = defaultEdgeWeight,
                          uint64_t index = 0, bool checkForMultiEdges = false);

    bool addPartialOutEdge(Unsafe, node u, node v, edgeweight ew = defaultEdgeWeight,
                           uint64_t index = 0, bool checkForMultiEdges = false);

    void setKeepEdgesSorted(bool sorted = true) { maintainSortedEdges = sorted; }

    void setMaintainCompactEdges(bool compact = true) { maintainCompactEdges = compact; }

    bool getKeepEdgesSorted() const noexcept { return maintainSortedEdges; }

     * Returns true if edges are currently being compacted when removeEdge() is called.
    bool getMaintainCompactEdges() const noexcept { return maintainCompactEdges; }

    void removeEdge(node u, node v);

    void removeAllEdges();

    template <typename Condition>
    std::pair<count, count> removeAdjacentEdges(node u, Condition condition, bool edgesIn = false);

    void removeSelfLoops();

    void removeMultiEdges();

    void swapEdge(node s1, node t1, node s2, node t2);

    bool hasEdge(node u, node v) const noexcept;


    bool isWeighted() const noexcept { return weighted; }

    bool isDirected() const noexcept { return directed; }

    bool isEmpty() const noexcept { return !n; }

    count numberOfNodes() const noexcept { return n; }

    count numberOfEdges() const noexcept { return m; }

    count numberOfSelfLoops() const noexcept { return storedNumberOfSelfLoops; }

    index upperNodeIdBound() const noexcept { return z; }

    bool checkConsistency() const;

    /* DYNAMICS */

    void timeStep() {
        WARN("Graph::timeStep should not be used and will be deprecated in the future.");

    count time() {
        WARN("Graph::time should not be used and will be deprecated in the future.");
        return t;

    edgeweight weight(node u, node v) const;

    void setWeight(node u, node v, edgeweight ew);

    void setWeightAtIthNeighbor(Unsafe, node u, index i, edgeweight ew);

    void setWeightAtIthInNeighbor(Unsafe, node u, index i, edgeweight ew);

    void increaseWeight(node u, node v, edgeweight ew);

    /* SUMS */

    edgeweight totalEdgeWeight() const noexcept;

    NodeRange nodeRange() const noexcept { return NodeRange(*this); }

    EdgeRange edgeRange() const noexcept { return EdgeRange(*this); }

    EdgeWeightRange edgeWeightRange() const noexcept { return EdgeWeightRange(*this); }

    NeighborRange<false> neighborRange(node u) const {
        return NeighborRange<false>(*this, u);

    NeighborWeightRange<false> weightNeighborRange(node u) const {
        return NeighborWeightRange<false>(*this, u);

    NeighborRange<true> inNeighborRange(node u) const {
        return NeighborRange<true>(*this, u);

    NeighborWeightRange<true> weightInNeighborRange(node u) const {
        assert(isDirected() && isWeighted());
        return NeighborWeightRange<true>(*this, u);

    index indexOfNeighbor(node u, node v) const { return indexInOutEdgeArray(u, v); }

    node getIthNeighbor(node u, index i) const {
        if (!hasNode(u) || i >= outEdges[u].size())
            return none;
        return outEdges[u][i];

    node getIthInNeighbor(node u, index i) const {
        if (!hasNode(u) || i >= inEdges[u].size())
            return none;
        return inEdges[u][i];

    edgeweight getIthNeighborWeight(node u, index i) const {
        if (!hasNode(u) || i >= outEdges[u].size())
            return nullWeight;
        return isWeighted() ? outEdgeWeights[u][i] : defaultEdgeWeight;

    std::pair<node, edgeweight> getIthNeighborWithWeight(node u, index i) const {
        if (!hasNode(u) || i >= outEdges[u].size())
            return {none, none};
        return getIthNeighborWithWeight(unsafe, u, i);

    std::pair<node, edgeweight> getIthNeighborWithWeight(Unsafe, node u, index i) const {
        if (!isWeighted())
            return {outEdges[u][i], defaultEdgeWeight};
        return {outEdges[u][i], outEdgeWeights[u][i]};

    std::pair<node, edgeid> getIthNeighborWithId(node u, index i) const {
        if (!hasNode(u) || i >= outEdges[u].size())
            return {none, none};
        return {outEdges[u][i], outEdgeIds[u][i]};


    template <typename L>
    void forNodes(L handle) const;

    template <typename L>
    void parallelForNodes(L handle) const;

    template <typename C, typename L>
    void forNodesWhile(C condition, L handle) const;

    template <typename L>
    void forNodesInRandomOrder(L handle) const;

    template <typename L>
    void balancedParallelForNodes(L handle) const;

    template <typename L>
    void forNodePairs(L handle) const;

    template <typename L>
    void parallelForNodePairs(L handle) const;


    template <typename L>
    void forEdges(L handle) const;

    template <typename L>
    void parallelForEdges(L handle) const;


    template <typename L>
    void forNeighborsOf(node u, L handle) const;

    template <typename L>
    void forEdgesOf(node u, L handle) const;

    template <typename L>
    void forInNeighborsOf(node u, L handle) const;

    template <typename L>
    void forInEdgesOf(node u, L handle) const;


    template <typename L>
    double parallelSumForNodes(L handle) const;

    template <typename L>
    double parallelSumForEdges(L handle) const;


template <typename L>
void Graph::forNodes(L handle) const {
    for (node v = 0; v < z; ++v) {
        if (exists[v]) {

template <typename L>
void Graph::parallelForNodes(L handle) const {
#pragma omp parallel for
    for (omp_index v = 0; v < static_cast<omp_index>(z); ++v) {
        if (exists[v]) {

template <typename C, typename L>
void Graph::forNodesWhile(C condition, L handle) const {
    for (node v = 0; v < z; ++v) {
        if (exists[v]) {
            if (!condition()) {

template <typename L>
void Graph::forNodesInRandomOrder(L handle) const {
    std::vector<node> randVec;
    forNodes([&](node u) { randVec.push_back(u); });
    std::shuffle(randVec.begin(), randVec.end(), Aux::Random::getURNG());
    for (node v : randVec) {

template <typename L>
void Graph::balancedParallelForNodes(L handle) const {
// TODO: define min block size (and test it!)
#pragma omp parallel for schedule(guided)
    for (omp_index v = 0; v < static_cast<omp_index>(z); ++v) {
        if (exists[v]) {

template <typename L>
void Graph::forNodePairs(L handle) const {
    for (node u = 0; u < z; ++u) {
        if (exists[u]) {
            for (node v = u + 1; v < z; ++v) {
                if (exists[v]) {
                    handle(u, v);

template <typename L>
void Graph::parallelForNodePairs(L handle) const {
#pragma omp parallel for schedule(guided)
    for (omp_index u = 0; u < static_cast<omp_index>(z); ++u) {
        if (exists[u]) {
            for (node v = u + 1; v < z; ++v) {
                if (exists[v]) {
                    handle(u, v);



template <typename T>
void erase(node u, index idx, std::vector<std::vector<T>> &vec);
// implementation for weighted == true
template <bool hasWeights>
inline edgeweight Graph::getOutEdgeWeight(node u, index i) const {
    return outEdgeWeights[u][i];

// implementation for weighted == false
template <>
inline edgeweight Graph::getOutEdgeWeight<false>(node, index) const {
    return defaultEdgeWeight;

// implementation for weighted == true
template <bool hasWeights>
inline edgeweight Graph::getInEdgeWeight(node u, index i) const {
    return inEdgeWeights[u][i];

// implementation for weighted == false
template <>
inline edgeweight Graph::getInEdgeWeight<false>(node, index) const {
    return defaultEdgeWeight;

// implementation for hasEdgeIds == true
template <bool graphHasEdgeIds>
inline edgeid Graph::getOutEdgeId(node u, index i) const {
    return outEdgeIds[u][i];

// implementation for hasEdgeIds == false
template <>
inline edgeid Graph::getOutEdgeId<false>(node, index) const {
    return none;

// implementation for hasEdgeIds == true
template <bool graphHasEdgeIds>
inline edgeid Graph::getInEdgeId(node u, index i) const {
    return inEdgeIds[u][i];

// implementation for hasEdgeIds == false
template <>
inline edgeid Graph::getInEdgeId<false>(node, index) const {
    return none;

// implementation for graphIsDirected == true
template <bool graphIsDirected>
inline bool Graph::useEdgeInIteration(node /* u */, node /* v */) const {
    return true;

// implementation for graphIsDirected == false
template <>
inline bool Graph::useEdgeInIteration<false>(node u, node v) const {
    return u >= v;

template <bool graphIsDirected, bool hasWeights, bool graphHasEdgeIds, typename L>
inline void Graph::forOutEdgesOfImpl(node u, L handle) const {
    for (index i = 0; i < outEdges[u].size(); ++i) {
        node v = outEdges[u][i];

        if (useEdgeInIteration<graphIsDirected>(u, v)) {
            edgeLambda<L>(handle, u, v, getOutEdgeWeight<hasWeights>(u, i),
                          getOutEdgeId<graphHasEdgeIds>(u, i));

template <bool graphIsDirected, bool hasWeights, bool graphHasEdgeIds, typename L>
inline void Graph::forInEdgesOfImpl(node u, L handle) const {
    if (graphIsDirected) {
        for (index i = 0; i < inEdges[u].size(); i++) {
            node v = inEdges[u][i];

            if (useEdgeInIteration<true>(u, v)) {
                edgeLambda<L>(handle, u, v, getInEdgeWeight<hasWeights>(u, i),
                              getInEdgeId<graphHasEdgeIds>(u, i));
    } else {
        for (index i = 0; i < outEdges[u].size(); ++i) {
            node v = outEdges[u][i];

            if (useEdgeInIteration<true>(u, v)) {
                edgeLambda<L>(handle, u, v, getOutEdgeWeight<hasWeights>(u, i),
                              getOutEdgeId<graphHasEdgeIds>(u, i));

template <bool graphIsDirected, bool hasWeights, bool graphHasEdgeIds, typename L>
inline void Graph::forEdgeImpl(L handle) const {
    for (node u = 0; u < z; ++u) {
        forOutEdgesOfImpl<graphIsDirected, hasWeights, graphHasEdgeIds, L>(u, handle);

template <bool graphIsDirected, bool hasWeights, bool graphHasEdgeIds, typename L>
inline void Graph::parallelForEdgesImpl(L handle) const {
#pragma omp parallel for schedule(guided)
    for (omp_index u = 0; u < static_cast<omp_index>(z); ++u) {
        forOutEdgesOfImpl<graphIsDirected, hasWeights, graphHasEdgeIds, L>(u, handle);

template <bool graphIsDirected, bool hasWeights, bool graphHasEdgeIds, typename L>
inline double Graph::parallelSumForEdgesImpl(L handle) const {
    double sum = 0.0;

#pragma omp parallel for reduction(+ : sum)
    for (omp_index u = 0; u < static_cast<omp_index>(z); ++u) {
        for (index i = 0; i < outEdges[u].size(); ++i) {
            node v = outEdges[u][i];

            // undirected, do not iterate over edges twice
            // {u, v} instead of (u, v); if v == none, u > v is not fulfilled
            if (useEdgeInIteration<graphIsDirected>(u, v)) {
                sum += edgeLambda<L>(handle, u, v, getOutEdgeWeight<hasWeights>(u, i),
                                     getOutEdgeId<graphHasEdgeIds>(u, i));

    return sum;

template <typename L>
void Graph::forEdges(L handle) const {
    switch (weighted + 2 * directed + 4 * edgesIndexed) {
    case 0: // unweighted, undirected, no edgeIds
        forEdgeImpl<false, false, false, L>(handle);

    case 1: // weighted,   undirected, no edgeIds
        forEdgeImpl<false, true, false, L>(handle);

    case 2: // unweighted, directed, no edgeIds
        forEdgeImpl<true, false, false, L>(handle);

    case 3: // weighted, directed, no edgeIds
        forEdgeImpl<true, true, false, L>(handle);

    case 4: // unweighted, undirected, with edgeIds
        forEdgeImpl<false, false, true, L>(handle);

    case 5: // weighted,   undirected, with edgeIds
        forEdgeImpl<false, true, true, L>(handle);

    case 6: // unweighted, directed, with edgeIds
        forEdgeImpl<true, false, true, L>(handle);

    case 7: // weighted,   directed, with edgeIds
        forEdgeImpl<true, true, true, L>(handle);

template <typename L>
void Graph::parallelForEdges(L handle) const {
    switch (weighted + 2 * directed + 4 * edgesIndexed) {
    case 0: // unweighted, undirected, no edgeIds
        parallelForEdgesImpl<false, false, false, L>(handle);

    case 1: // weighted,   undirected, no edgeIds
        parallelForEdgesImpl<false, true, false, L>(handle);

    case 2: // unweighted, directed, no edgeIds
        parallelForEdgesImpl<true, false, false, L>(handle);

    case 3: // weighted, directed, no edgeIds
        parallelForEdgesImpl<true, true, false, L>(handle);

    case 4: // unweighted, undirected, with edgeIds
        parallelForEdgesImpl<false, false, true, L>(handle);

    case 5: // weighted,   undirected, with edgeIds
        parallelForEdgesImpl<false, true, true, L>(handle);

    case 6: // unweighted, directed, with edgeIds
        parallelForEdgesImpl<true, false, true, L>(handle);

    case 7: // weighted,   directed, with edgeIds
        parallelForEdgesImpl<true, true, true, L>(handle);


template <typename L>
void Graph::forNeighborsOf(node u, L handle) const {
    forEdgesOf(u, handle);

template <typename L>
void Graph::forEdgesOf(node u, L handle) const {
    switch (weighted + 2 * edgesIndexed) {
    case 0: // not weighted, no edge ids
        forOutEdgesOfImpl<true, false, false, L>(u, handle);

    case 1: // weighted, no edge ids
        forOutEdgesOfImpl<true, true, false, L>(u, handle);

    case 2: // not weighted, with edge ids
        forOutEdgesOfImpl<true, false, true, L>(u, handle);

    case 3: // weighted, with edge ids
        forOutEdgesOfImpl<true, true, true, L>(u, handle);

template <typename L>
void Graph::forInNeighborsOf(node u, L handle) const {
    forInEdgesOf(u, handle);

template <typename L>
void Graph::forInEdgesOf(node u, L handle) const {
    switch (weighted + 2 * directed + 4 * edgesIndexed) {
    case 0: // unweighted, undirected, no edge ids
        forInEdgesOfImpl<false, false, false, L>(u, handle);

    case 1: // weighted, undirected, no edge ids
        forInEdgesOfImpl<false, true, false, L>(u, handle);

    case 2: // unweighted, directed, no edge ids
        forInEdgesOfImpl<true, false, false, L>(u, handle);

    case 3: // weighted, directed, no edge ids
        forInEdgesOfImpl<true, true, false, L>(u, handle);

    case 4: // unweighted, undirected, with edge ids
        forInEdgesOfImpl<false, false, true, L>(u, handle);

    case 5: // weighted, undirected, with edge ids
        forInEdgesOfImpl<false, true, true, L>(u, handle);

    case 6: // unweighted, directed, with edge ids
        forInEdgesOfImpl<true, false, true, L>(u, handle);

    case 7: // weighted, directed, with edge ids
        forInEdgesOfImpl<true, true, true, L>(u, handle);


template <typename L>
double Graph::parallelSumForNodes(L handle) const {
    double sum = 0.0;

#pragma omp parallel for reduction(+ : sum)
    for (omp_index v = 0; v < static_cast<omp_index>(z); ++v) {
        if (exists[v]) {
            sum += handle(v);

    return sum;

template <typename L>
double Graph::parallelSumForEdges(L handle) const {
    double sum = 0.0;

    switch (weighted + 2 * directed + 4 * edgesIndexed) {
    case 0: // unweighted, undirected, no edge ids
        sum = parallelSumForEdgesImpl<false, false, false, L>(handle);

    case 1: // weighted,   undirected, no edge ids
        sum = parallelSumForEdgesImpl<false, true, false, L>(handle);

    case 2: // unweighted, directed, no edge ids
        sum = parallelSumForEdgesImpl<true, false, false, L>(handle);

    case 3: // weighted,   directed, no edge ids
        sum = parallelSumForEdgesImpl<true, true, false, L>(handle);

    case 4: // unweighted, undirected, with edge ids
        sum = parallelSumForEdgesImpl<false, false, true, L>(handle);

    case 5: // weighted,   undirected, with edge ids
        sum = parallelSumForEdgesImpl<false, true, true, L>(handle);

    case 6: // unweighted, directed, with edge ids
        sum = parallelSumForEdgesImpl<true, false, true, L>(handle);

    case 7: // weighted,   directed, with edge ids
        sum = parallelSumForEdgesImpl<true, true, true, L>(handle);

    return sum;


template <typename Condition>
std::pair<count, count> Graph::removeAdjacentEdges(node u, Condition condition, bool edgesIn) {
    count removedEdges = 0;
    count removedSelfLoops = 0;

    // For directed graphs, this function is supposed to be called twice: one to remove out-edges,
    // and one to remove in-edges.
    auto &edges_ = edgesIn ? inEdges[u] : outEdges[u];
    for (index vi = 0; vi < edges_.size();) {
        if (condition(edges_[vi])) {
            const auto isSelfLoop = (edges_[vi] == u);
            removedSelfLoops += isSelfLoop;
            removedEdges += !isSelfLoop;
            edges_[vi] = edges_.back();
            if (isWeighted()) {
                auto &weights_ = edgesIn ? inEdgeWeights[u] : outEdgeWeights[u];
                weights_[vi] = weights_.back();
            if (hasEdgeIds()) {
                auto &edgeIds_ = edgesIn ? inEdgeIds[u] : outEdgeIds[u];
                edgeIds_[vi] = edgeIds_.back();
        } else {

    return {removedEdges, removedSelfLoops};

template <class Lambda>
void Graph::sortEdges(Lambda lambda) {

    std::vector<std::vector<index>> indicesGlobal(omp_get_max_threads());

    const auto sortAdjacencyArrays = [&](node u, std::vector<node> &adjList,
                                         std::vector<edgeweight> &weights,
                                         std::vector<edgeid> &edgeIds) -> void {
        auto &indices = indicesGlobal[omp_get_thread_num()];
        if (adjList.size() > indices.size())

        const auto indicesEnd =
            + static_cast<
        std::iota(indices.begin(), indicesEnd, 0);

        if (isWeighted()) {
            if (hasEdgeIds())
                std::sort(indices.begin(), indicesEnd, [&](auto a, auto b) -> bool {
                    return lambda(WeightedEdgeWithId{u, adjList[a], weights[a], edgeIds[a]},
                                  WeightedEdgeWithId{u, adjList[b], weights[b], edgeIds[b]});
                std::sort(indices.begin(), indicesEnd, [&](auto a, auto b) -> bool {
                    return lambda(WeightedEdgeWithId{u, adjList[a], weights[a], 0},
                                  WeightedEdgeWithId{u, adjList[b], weights[b], 0});
        } else if (hasEdgeIds())
            std::sort(indices.begin(), indicesEnd, [&](auto a, auto b) -> bool {
                return lambda(WeightedEdgeWithId{u, adjList[a], defaultEdgeWeight, edgeIds[a]},
                              WeightedEdgeWithId{u, adjList[b], defaultEdgeWeight, edgeIds[b]});
            std::sort(indices.begin(), indicesEnd, [&](auto a, auto b) -> bool {
                return lambda(WeightedEdgeWithId{u, adjList[a], defaultEdgeWeight, 0},
                              WeightedEdgeWithId{u, adjList[b], defaultEdgeWeight, 0});

        Aux::ArrayTools::applyPermutation(adjList.begin(), adjList.end(), indices.begin());

        if (isWeighted())
            Aux::ArrayTools::applyPermutation(weights.begin(), weights.end(), indices.begin());

        if (hasEdgeIds())
            Aux::ArrayTools::applyPermutation(edgeIds.begin(), edgeIds.end(), indices.begin());

    balancedParallelForNodes([&](const node u) {
        if (degree(u) < 2)

        std::vector<edgeweight> dummyEdgeWeights;
        std::vector<edgeid> dummyEdgeIds;
        sortAdjacencyArrays(u, outEdges[u], isWeighted() ? outEdgeWeights[u] : dummyEdgeWeights,
                            hasEdgeIds() ? outEdgeIds[u] : dummyEdgeIds);

        if (isDirected())
            sortAdjacencyArrays(u, inEdges[u], isWeighted() ? inEdgeWeights[u] : dummyEdgeWeights,
                                hasEdgeIds() ? inEdgeIds[u] : dummyEdgeIds);

} /* namespace NetworKit */