Program Listing for File QuadtreeCartesianEuclid.hpp

Return to documentation for file (include/networkit/generators/quadtree/QuadtreeCartesianEuclid.hpp)

 * Quadtree.hpp
 *  Created on: 21.05.2014
 *      Author: Moritz v. Looz


#include <cmath>
#include <memory>
#include <omp.h>
#include <vector>

#include <networkit/generators/quadtree/QuadNodeCartesianEuclid.hpp>

namespace NetworKit {

template <class T>
class QuadtreeCartesianEuclid final {
    friend class QuadTreeCartesianEuclidGTest;

    QuadtreeCartesianEuclid(Point<double> lower = Point<double>(0.0, 0.0),
                            Point<double> upper = Point<double>(1.0, 1.0),
                            bool theoreticalSplit = false, count capacity = 1000) {
        assert(lower.getDimensions() == upper.getDimensions());
        root = QuadNodeCartesianEuclid<T>(lower, upper, capacity, theoreticalSplit);
        this->lower = lower;
        this->upper = upper;

    QuadtreeCartesianEuclid(const vector<Point<double>> &positions, const vector<T> &content,
                            bool theoreticalSplit = false, count capacity = 1000) {
        const count n = positions.size();
        assert(content.size() == n);
        assert(n > 0);

        this->dimension = positions[0].getDimensions();
        vector<double> lowerValue(dimension);
        vector<double> upperValue(dimension);
        for (index d = 0; d < dimension; d++) {
            lowerValue[d] = positions[0].at(d);
            upperValue[d] = positions[0].at(d);

        for (Point<double> pos : positions) {
            assert(pos.getDimensions() == dimension);
            for (index d = 0; d < dimension; d++) {
                if (pos[d] < lowerValue[d])
                    lowerValue[d] = pos[d];
                if (pos[d] > upperValue[d])
                    upperValue[d] = pos[d];

        // the upper limit is open, so it needs to be above the points
        for (index d = 0; d < dimension; d++) {
            upperValue[d] = std::nextafter(upperValue[d], std::numeric_limits<double>::max());
        this->lower = Point<double>(lowerValue);
        this->upper = Point<double>(upperValue);

        root = QuadNodeCartesianEuclid<T>(lower, upper, capacity, theoreticalSplit);
        for (index i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            assert(content[i] < n);
            root.addContent(content[i], positions[i]);

    void addContent(T newcomer, Point<double> pos) { root.addContent(newcomer, pos); }

    bool removeContent(T toRemove, Point<double> pos) { return root.removeContent(toRemove, pos); }

    vector<T> getElements() const { return root.getElements(); }

    void extractCoordinates(vector<Point<double>> &posContainer) const {

    void getElementsInEuclideanCircle(const Point<double> circleCenter, const double radius,
                                      vector<T> &circleDenizens) const {
        root.getElementsInEuclideanCircle(circleCenter, radius, circleDenizens);

    template <typename L>
    count getElementsProbabilistically(Point<double> euQuery, L prob, vector<T> &circleDenizens) {
        return root.getElementsProbabilistically(euQuery, prob, circleDenizens);

    void recount() { root.recount(); }

    count size() const { return root.size(); }

    count height() const { return root.height(); }

    count countLeaves() const { return root.countLeaves(); }

    index indexSubtree(index nextID) { return root.indexSubtree(nextID); }

    index getCellID(Point<double> pos) const { return root.getCellID(pos); }

    void reindex() {
#pragma omp parallel
#pragma omp single nowait
            { root.reindex(0); }

    void trim() { root.trim(); }

    QuadNodeCartesianEuclid<T> root;
    Point<double> lower;
    Point<double> upper;
    count dimension;
} // namespace NetworKit