Program Listing for File Quadtree.hpp

Return to documentation for file (include/networkit/generators/quadtree/Quadtree.hpp)

 * Quadtree.hpp
 *  Created on: 21.05.2014
 *      Author: Moritz v. Looz


#include <cmath>
#include <memory>
#include <omp.h>
#include <vector>

#include <networkit/auxiliary/Parallel.hpp>
#include <networkit/generators/quadtree/QuadNode.hpp>
#include <networkit/geometric/HyperbolicSpace.hpp>

namespace NetworKit {

template <class T, bool poincare = true>
class Quadtree final {
    friend class QuadTreeGTest;

    Quadtree() {
        root = QuadNode<T, poincare>();
        this->maxRadius = 1;

    Quadtree(double maxR, bool theoreticalSplit = false, double alpha = 1, count capacity = 1000,
             double balance = 0.5) {
        root =
            QuadNode<T, poincare>(0, 0, 2 * PI, maxR, capacity, theoreticalSplit, alpha, balance);
        this->maxRadius = maxR;

    Quadtree(const vector<double> &angles, const vector<double> &radii, const vector<T> &content,
             double stretch, bool theoreticalSplit = false, double alpha = 1, count capacity = 1000,
             double balance = 0.5) {
        const count n = angles.size();
        assert(angles.size() == radii.size());
        assert(radii.size() == content.size());
        double R = stretch * HyperbolicSpace::hyperbolicAreaToRadius(n);
        double r = HyperbolicSpace::hyperbolicRadiusToEuclidean(R);
        root = QuadNode<T>(0, 0, 2 * PI, r, capacity, theoreticalSplit, alpha, balance);
        maxRadius = r;
        for (index i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            assert(content[i] < n);
            root.addContent(content[i], angles[i], radii[i]);

    void addContent(T newcomer, double angle, double r) { root.addContent(newcomer, angle, r); }

    bool removeContent(T toRemove, double angle, double r) {
        return root.removeContent(toRemove, angle, r);

    vector<T> getElements() const { return root.getElements(); }

    void extractCoordinates(vector<double> &anglesContainer, vector<double> &radiiContainer) const {
        root.getCoordinates(anglesContainer, radiiContainer);

    vector<T> getElementsInHyperbolicCircle(Point2DWithIndex<double> circleCenter,
                                            double hyperbolicRadius) const {
        vector<T> circleDenizens;
        getElementsInHyperbolicCircle(circleCenter, hyperbolicRadius, circleDenizens);
        return circleDenizens;

    void getElementsInHyperbolicCircle(const Point2DWithIndex<double> circleCenter,
                                       const double hyperbolicRadius, const bool suppressLeft,
                                       vector<T> &circleDenizens) const {
        double cc_phi, cc_r;
        HyperbolicSpace::cartesianToPolar(circleCenter, cc_phi, cc_r);
        // Transform hyperbolic circle into Euclidean circle
        double minPhi, maxPhi, radius, r_e;
        HyperbolicSpace::getEuclideanCircle(cc_r, hyperbolicRadius, r_e, radius);
        Point2DWithIndex<double> center = HyperbolicSpace::polarToCartesian(cc_phi, r_e);
        double minR = r_e - radius;
        double maxR = r_e + radius;
        if (maxR > 1)
            maxR = 1;
        if (minR < 0) {
            maxR = std::max(std::abs(minR), maxR);
            minR = 0;
            minPhi = 0;
            maxPhi = 2 * PI;
        } else {
            double spread = std::asin(radius / r_e);
            minPhi = cc_phi - spread;
            maxPhi = cc_phi + spread;

        if (suppressLeft)
            minPhi = cc_phi;
        bool wraparound = false;
        root.getElementsInEuclideanCircle(center, radius, circleDenizens, minPhi, maxPhi, minR,
        if (minPhi < 0) {
            root.getElementsInEuclideanCircle(center, radius, circleDenizens, 2 * PI + minPhi,
                                              2 * PI, minR, maxR);
            wraparound = true;
        if (maxPhi > 2 * PI) {
            root.getElementsInEuclideanCircle(center, radius, circleDenizens, 0, maxPhi - 2 * PI,
                                              minR, maxR);
            wraparound = true;

        for (T denizen : circleDenizens) {
            if (denizen >= size()) {
                DEBUG("Content ", denizen, " found in quadtree of size ", size(), ", as one of ",
                      circleDenizens.size(), " neighbors.");

        // we have sort(deg(v)) here! This is not good, but does not make the asymptotical
        // complexity of O(deg(v) log n) worse.
        if (wraparound) {
            Aux::Parallel::sort(circleDenizens.begin(), circleDenizens.end());
            auto newend = unique(circleDenizens.begin(), circleDenizens.end());
            count toRemove = circleDenizens.end() - newend;
            count remaining = newend - circleDenizens.begin();
            if (toRemove > 0) {
                DEBUG("Removing, ", toRemove, " duplicate entries, keeping ", remaining);

        for (T denizen : circleDenizens) {
            if (denizen >= size())
                DEBUG("Content ", denizen, " found in quadtree of size ", size(), ", as one of ",
                      circleDenizens.size(), " neighbors, after sorting");

    void getElementsInHyperbolicCircle(const Point2DWithIndex<double> circleCenter,
                                       const double hyperbolicRadius,
                                       vector<T> &circleDenizens) const {
        getElementsInHyperbolicCircle(circleCenter, hyperbolicRadius, false, circleDenizens);

    count getElementsProbabilistically(Point2DWithIndex<double> euQuery,
                                       std::function<double(double)> prob,
                                       vector<T> &circleDenizens) {
        return root.getElementsProbabilistically(euQuery, prob, false, circleDenizens);

    count getElementsProbabilistically(Point2DWithIndex<double> euQuery,
                                       std::function<double(double)> prob, bool suppressLeft,
                                       vector<T> &circleDenizens) {
        return root.getElementsProbabilistically(euQuery, prob, suppressLeft, circleDenizens);

    void recount() { root.recount(); }

    count size() const { return root.size(); }

    count height() const { return root.height(); }

    count countLeaves() const { return root.countLeaves(); }

    index indexSubtree(index nextID) { return root.indexSubtree(nextID); }

    index getCellID(double phi, double r) const { return root.getCellID(phi, r); }

    double getMaxRadius() const { return maxRadius; }

    void reindex() {
#pragma omp parallel
#pragma omp single nowait
            { root.reindex(0); }

    void trim() { root.trim(); }

    QuadNode<T, poincare> root;
    double maxRadius;
} // namespace NetworKit