Program Listing for File HyperbolicGenerator.hpp

Return to documentation for file (include/networkit/generators/HyperbolicGenerator.hpp)

 * HyperbolicGenerator.hpp
 *  Created on: 20.05.2014
 *      Author: Moritz v. Looz


#include <cmath>
#include <vector>

#include <networkit/auxiliary/Timer.hpp>
#include <networkit/generators/StaticGraphGenerator.hpp>
#include <networkit/generators/quadtree/Quadtree.hpp>
#include <networkit/geometric/HyperbolicSpace.hpp>

namespace NetworKit {

class HyperbolicGenerator final : public StaticGraphGenerator {
    friend class DynamicHyperbolicGenerator;

    HyperbolicGenerator(count n = 10000, double avgDegree = 6, double exp = 3, double T = 0);

    Graph generate(const vector<double> &angles, const vector<double> &radii, double R,
                   double T = 0);

    Graph generateCold(const vector<double> &angles, const vector<double> &radii, double R);

    Graph generate() override;

    void setLeafCapacity(count capacity) { this->capacity = capacity; }

    void setTheoreticalSplit(bool split) { this->theoreticalSplit = split; }

    void setBalance(double balance) { this->balance = balance; }

    vector<double> getElapsedMilliseconds() const {
        vector<double> result(threadtimers.size());
        for (index i = 0; i < result.size(); i++) {
            result[i] = threadtimers[i].elapsedMilliseconds();
        return result;

    void initialize();

    Graph generate(count n, double R, double alpha, double T = 0);

    static vector<vector<double>>
    getBandAngles(const vector<vector<Point2DWithIndex<double>>> &bands) {
        vector<vector<double>> bandAngles(bands.size());
#pragma omp parallel for
        for (omp_index i = 0; i < static_cast<omp_index>(bands.size()); i++) {
            const count currentBandSize = bands[i].size();
            for (index j = 0; j < currentBandSize; j++) {
                bandAngles[i][j] = bands[i][j].getX();
        return bandAngles;

    static vector<double> getBandRadii(int n, double R, double seriesRatio = 0.9) {
         * We assume band differences form a geometric series.
         * Thus, there is a constant ratio(r) between band length differences
         * i.e (c2-c1)/(c1-c0) = (c3-c2)/(c2-c1) = r
        vector<double> bandRadius;
        double a = R * (1 - seriesRatio) / (1 - std::pow(seriesRatio, std::log(n)));
        const double logn = std::log(n);

        for (int i = 1; i < logn; i++) {
            double c_i = a * ((1 - std::pow(seriesRatio, i)) / (1 - seriesRatio));
        return bandRadius;

    static std::tuple<double, double> getMinMaxTheta(double angle, double radius, double cLow,
                                                     double thresholdDistance) {
        // Most innerband is defined by cLow = 0
        double minTheta, maxTheta;
        if (cLow == 0)
            return std::make_tuple(0.0, 2 * PI);

        double a = (std::cosh(radius) * std::cosh(cLow) - std::cosh(thresholdDistance))
                   / (std::sinh(radius) * std::sinh(cLow));
        // handle floating point error
        if (a < -1)
            a = -1;
        else if (a > 1)
            a = 1;
        a = std::acos(a);
        maxTheta = angle + a;
        minTheta = angle - a;
        return std::make_tuple(minTheta, maxTheta);

    static vector<Point2DWithIndex<double>>
    getPointsWithinAngles(double minTheta, double maxTheta,
                          const vector<Point2DWithIndex<double>> &band,
                          vector<double> &bandAngles) {
        assert(band.size() == bandAngles.size());

        vector<Point2DWithIndex<double>> slab;

        std::vector<double>::iterator low;
        std::vector<double>::iterator high;

        if (minTheta == -2 * PI)
            minTheta = 0;
        // Case 1: We do not have overlap 2pi, simply put all the points between min and max to the
        // list
        if (maxTheta <= 2 * PI && minTheta >= 0) {
            low = std::lower_bound(bandAngles.begin(), bandAngles.end(), minTheta);
            high = std::upper_bound(bandAngles.begin(), bandAngles.end(), maxTheta);
            auto first = band.begin() + (low - bandAngles.begin());
            auto last = band.begin() + (high - bandAngles.begin());
            // Q: Does this operation increases the complexity ? It is linear in times of high - low
            // Does not increase the complexity, since we have to check these points anyway
            slab.insert(slab.end(), first, last);
        // Case 2: We have 'forward' overlap at 2pi, that is maxTheta > 2pi
        else if (maxTheta > 2 * PI) {
            // 1. Get points from minTheta to 2pi
            low = std::lower_bound(bandAngles.begin(), bandAngles.end(), minTheta);
            high = std::upper_bound(bandAngles.begin(), bandAngles.end(), 2 * PI);
            auto first = band.begin() + (low - bandAngles.begin());
            auto last = band.begin() + (high - bandAngles.begin());
            slab.insert(slab.end(), first, last);

            // 2. Get points from 0 to maxTheta%2pi
            low = std::lower_bound(bandAngles.begin(), bandAngles.end(), 0);
            maxTheta = fmod(maxTheta, (2 * PI));
            high = std::upper_bound(bandAngles.begin(), bandAngles.end(), maxTheta);
            auto first2 = band.begin() + (low - bandAngles.begin());
            auto last2 = band.begin() + (high - bandAngles.begin());
            slab.insert(slab.end(), first2, last2);
        // Case 3: We have 'backward' overlap at 2pi, that is minTheta < 0
        else if (minTheta < 0) {
            // 1. Get points from 2pi + minTheta to 2pi
            minTheta = (2 * PI) + minTheta;
            low = std::lower_bound(bandAngles.begin(), bandAngles.end(), minTheta);
            high = std::upper_bound(bandAngles.begin(), bandAngles.end(), 2 * PI);
            auto first = band.begin() + (low - bandAngles.begin());
            auto last = band.begin() + (high - bandAngles.begin());
            slab.insert(slab.end(), first, last);

            // 2. Get points from 0 to maxTheta
            low = std::lower_bound(bandAngles.begin(), bandAngles.end(), 0);
            high = std::upper_bound(bandAngles.begin(), bandAngles.end(), maxTheta);
            auto first2 = band.begin() + (low - bandAngles.begin());
            auto last2 = band.begin() + (high - bandAngles.begin());
            slab.insert(slab.end(), first2, last2);
        return slab;

    count nodeCount;
    double R;
    double alpha;
    double temperature;

    count capacity;
    bool theoreticalSplit;
    double balance = 0.5;

    vector<Aux::Timer> threadtimers;
} // namespace NetworKit