Program Listing for File ErdosRenyiEnumerator.hpp

Return to documentation for file (include/networkit/generators/ErdosRenyiEnumerator.hpp)

 * ErdosRenyiGenerator.hpp
 *  Created on: 07.08.2018
 *      Author: Manuel Penschuck (


#include <omp.h>

#include <atomic>
#include <cassert>
#include <cmath>
#include <random>

#include <networkit/Globals.hpp>
#include <networkit/auxiliary/Random.hpp>
#include <networkit/auxiliary/SignalHandling.hpp>

namespace NetworKit {

template <bool UseFixedPoint = true>
class ErdosRenyiEnumerator final {
    using integral_t = unsigned long long;

    ErdosRenyiEnumerator(node n, double prob, bool directed)
        : n{n}, prob{prob}, directed{directed} {
        assert(n > 0);

    template <typename Handle>
    count forEdgesParallel(Handle handle) {
        std::atomic<count> numEdges{0};
        if (directed) {
#pragma omp parallel
                const unsigned threads = omp_get_num_threads();
                const unsigned tid = omp_get_thread_num();

                const node chunk_size = (n + threads - 1) / threads;
                const node first_node = std::min<node>(n, tid * chunk_size);
                const node last_node = std::min<node>(n, (tid + 1) * chunk_size);

                const auto localNumEdges =
                    enumerate<true>(handle, tid, prob, first_node, last_node);
                numEdges.fetch_add(localNumEdges, std::memory_order_relaxed);
        } else {
#pragma omp parallel
                const unsigned threads = omp_get_num_threads();
                const unsigned tid = omp_get_thread_num();

                // cells in adj matrix per thread
                const node chunk_size = (n * (n - 1) / 2 + threads - 1) / threads;

                double first_node;
                double last_node = 0.0;

                for (unsigned i = 0; i <= tid; i++) {
                    first_node = last_node;
                    node upper_node = std::ceil(
                        std::sqrt(0.25 + first_node * first_node + first_node + 2 * chunk_size));
                    last_node = std::min<node>(n, upper_node);

                if (tid + 1 == threads)
                    last_node = n;

                if (first_node < last_node) {
                    const auto localNumEdges =
                        enumerate<false>(handle, tid, prob, first_node, last_node);
                    numEdges.fetch_add(localNumEdges, std::memory_order_relaxed);

        return numEdges.load();

    template <typename Handle>
    count forEdges(Handle handle) {
        if (directed) {
            return enumerate<true>(handle, 0, prob, 0, n);
        } else {
            return enumerate<false>(handle, 0, prob, 0, n);

    count expectedNumberOfEdges() const { return prob * n * (directed ? n : (n - 1) * 0.5); }

    const node n;        //< number of nodes
    const double prob;   //< probability p
    const bool directed; //< true if a directed graph should be generated

    // In the undirected case we only traverse the lower triangle (excluding the
    // diagonal) of the adjacency matrix
    template <bool Directed, typename Handle>
    count enumerate(Handle handle, unsigned tid, double prob, const node node_begin,
                    const node node_end) const {
        if (prob > 0.9) {
            // for p > 0.5 we invert the generator and draw the edges NOT in the graph.
            // While this does not change the asymptotical work, it decrease the
            // random bits drawn from prng.

            node cur_u = node_begin;
            node cur_v = 0;
            count num_edges = 0;

            if (!Directed && cur_u == 0)
                cur_u = 1; // all edges need to be of form u > v!

            auto complement_graph = [&](unsigned tid, node u, node v) {
                while (!(cur_u == u && cur_v == v)) {
                    callHandle(handle, tid, cur_u, cur_v);

                    if (++cur_v == (Directed ? n : cur_u)) {
                        cur_v = 0;

            enumerate_<Directed>(complement_graph, tid, 1.0 - prob, node_begin, node_end);
            complement_graph(tid, node_end, 0);

            return num_edges;

        return enumerate_<Directed>(handle, tid, prob, node_begin, node_end);

    template <bool Directed, typename Handle>
    count enumerate_(Handle handle, unsigned tid, double prob, const node node_begin,
                     const node node_end) const {
        Aux::SignalHandler handler;

        if (prob < std::pow(n, -3.0)) {
            // Even with a union bound over all candidates, WHP no edge will be emitted
            return 0;

        const double inv_log2_cp = 1.0 / std::log2(1.0 - prob);

        // random source
        auto &prng = Aux::Random::getURNG(); // this is thread local
        auto distr = get_distribution<UseFixedPoint>();

        count curr = node_begin;
        if (!Directed && !curr)
            curr = 1;
        node next = -1;

        node max_skip = 0;
        count numEdges = 0;

        while (curr < node_end) {
            // compute new step length
            auto skip = skip_distance(distr(prng), inv_log2_cp);
            next += skip;
            if (skip > max_skip)
                max_skip = skip;

            // check if at end of row (assuming an average degree of 1,
            // its typically faster to repeatedly subtract than to
            // divide; it is in any case easier easier ...)
            while (next >= (Directed ? n : curr)) {
                // adapt to next row
                next = next - (Directed ? n : curr);

            // insert edge
            if (curr < node_end) {
                callHandle(handle, tid, curr, next);

        return numEdges;

    // Optimized version of the computation of the skip distance as proposed Batagelj and Brandes.
    // It basically converts a uniform variate to a geometric random variable.
    count skip_distance(integral_t random_prob, double inv_log2_cp) const {
         * The original idea is to compute
         * 1 + floor(log(1 - x) / log(1 - prob)) where x is
         * a uniform real from (0, 1).
         * We now precompute inv_log_cp := 1.0 / log(1 - prob) once
         * to avoid recomputing the second log and to replace a
         * division by a multiplication. Hence we compute
         * 1 + floor(log(1 - x) * inv_log_cp).
         * Observe that P[x = k] = P[x = 1-k] and hence we avoid the subtraction:
         * 1 + floor(log(x) * inv_log_cp).
         * Then, typically log() is slower than log2(). On my
         * machines its a factor of roughly 1.5. Thus we replace
         * log by log2 in both equations:
         *  inv_log2_cp := 1.0 / log2(1 - prob)
         *  1 + floor(log2(x) * inv_log2_cp)
         * Now we optimise the generation of the random number.
         * uniform_real_distribution is roughly 3 times slower than
         * uniform_int_distribution. Hence let's switch to fix-point arithmetic.
         * Let X a real drawn uniformly from (0, 2**64), i.e. we model
         * X = (2**64) * x:
         *    1 + floor(log2(x) * inv_log2_cp)
         *  = 1 + floor(log2(X/2**64) * inv_log2_cp)
         *  = 1 + floor((log2(X) - 64) * inv_log2_cp).
        return 1
               + static_cast<count>(
                   std::floor((std::log2(random_prob) - 8 * sizeof(integral_t)) * inv_log2_cp));

    count skip_distance(double random_prob, double inv_log2_cp) const {
        return 1 + static_cast<count>(std::floor((std::log2(random_prob)) * inv_log2_cp));

    // SFINAE to determine and construct the right uniform distribution
    template <bool FixedPoint>
    auto get_distribution() const ->
        typename std::enable_if<FixedPoint, std::uniform_int_distribution<integral_t>>::type {
        return std::uniform_int_distribution<integral_t>{1, std::numeric_limits<integral_t>::max()};

    template <bool FixedPoint>
    auto get_distribution() const ->
        typename std::enable_if<!FixedPoint, std::uniform_real_distribution<double>>::type {
        return std::uniform_real_distribution<double>{std::nextafter(0.0, 1.0),
                                                      std::nextafter(1.0, 0.0)};

    // SFINAE to allow using functors with and without thread id as parameter
    template <typename Handle>
    auto callHandle(Handle h, unsigned tid, node u,
                    node v) const -> decltype(h(0u, node{0}, node{0})) {
        return h(tid, u, v);

    template <typename Handle>
    auto callHandle(Handle h, unsigned /*tid*/, node u,
                    node v) const -> decltype(h(node{0}, node{0})) {
        return h(u, v);

using ErdosRenyiEnumeratorDefault = ErdosRenyiEnumerator<true>;

} // namespace NetworKit