Program Listing for File DynDijkstra.hpp

Return to documentation for file (include/networkit/distance/DynDijkstra.hpp)

 * DynDijkstra.hpp
 *  Created on: 21.07.2014
 *      Author: ebergamini


#include <tlx/container/d_ary_addressable_int_heap.hpp>

#include <networkit/auxiliary/VectorComparator.hpp>
#include <networkit/distance/DynSSSP.hpp>

namespace NetworKit {

class DynDijkstra final : public DynSSSP {

    DynDijkstra(const Graph &G, node s, bool storePredecessors = true);

    // TODO the run method could take a vector of distances as an input and in that case just use
    // those distances instead of computing dijkstra from scratch
    void run() override;

    void update(GraphEvent e) override;

    void updateBatch(const std::vector<GraphEvent> &batch) override;

    enum Color { WHITE, GRAY, BLACK };
    std::vector<Color> color;
    static constexpr edgeweight infDist = std::numeric_limits<edgeweight>::max();
    static constexpr edgeweight distEpsilon = 0.000001;

    tlx::d_ary_addressable_int_heap<node, 2, Aux::LessInVector<edgeweight>> heap;
    std::vector<edgeweight> updateDistances;
    tlx::d_ary_addressable_int_heap<node, 2, Aux::LessInVector<edgeweight>> updateHeap;

} /* namespace NetworKit */