Program Listing for File SortedList.hpp

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 * SortedList.hpp
 *  Created on: 21.09.2018
 *      Author: Eugenio Angriman


#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>

#include <networkit/auxiliary/Log.hpp>

namespace Aux {
 * Keeps a sorted list of pairs with at most k elements.
 * If more than k elements are inserted, the elements with smallest value are
 * removed. The list is implemented on top of vector, thus the insert operation
 * takes O(k) time.
 * Warning: this sorted list was designed for the Kadabra algorithm; we assume
 * that all the newly inserted elements have a value that is greater or equal
 * to 0 if not already present in the list, or greater or equal their previous
 * value.
 * TODO: generalize this data structure.
class SortedList {
    std::vector<std::pair<uint64_t, double>> elements;
    std::vector<uint64_t> position;
    uint64_t virtualSize;
    const uint64_t size;
    const uint64_t maxKey;

    SortedList(uint64_t size, uint64_t maxKey);

    void insert(uint64_t newElement, double newValue);

    double getValue(const uint64_t i) const { return elements[i].second; }

    uint64_t getElement(const uint64_t i) const { return elements[i].first; }

    uint64_t getSize() const { return virtualSize; }

    void clear();

inline SortedList::SortedList(const uint64_t size, const uint64_t maxKey)
    : size(size), maxKey(maxKey) {
    if (maxKey < size) {
        throw std::runtime_error("maxKey must be bigger than the size.");

inline void SortedList::clear() {
    uint64_t i;
    for (i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
        elements[i] = std::make_pair(i, 0.);
        position[i] = i;
    for (i = size; i < maxKey; ++i) {
        position[i] = i;
    virtualSize = 0;

inline void SortedList::insert(const uint64_t newElement, const double newValue) {
    uint64_t ub = std::upper_bound(elements.begin(), elements.begin() + virtualSize, newValue,
                                   [&](const double val, const std::pair<uint64_t, double> pair) {
                                       return val > pair.second;
                  - elements.begin();

    uint64_t oldPos;
    // We assume that if the same key is inserted again, its value will be
    // greater than before (i.e., oldPos >= ub).
    if (ub < size) {
        oldPos = std::min(position[newElement], size - 1);
        if (position[newElement] < size) {
            assert(elements[ub].second <= newValue);
        if (virtualSize < size && oldPos >= virtualSize) {

        if (ub < oldPos) {
            std::rotate(elements.begin() + ub, elements.begin() + oldPos,
                        elements.begin() + oldPos + 1);

            if (oldPos == size - 1) {

            elements[ub] = std::make_pair(newElement, newValue);
            for (auto it = elements.begin() + ub + 1; it < elements.begin() + oldPos + 1; ++it) {
        } else {
            elements[ub].second = newValue;
} // namespace Aux