Class TopologicalSort

Inheritance Relationships

Base Type

Class Documentation

class TopologicalSort : public NetworKit::Algorithm

Given a directed graph G, the topology sort algorithm creates one valid topology order of nodes. Undirected graphs are not accepted as input, since a topology sort is a linear ordering of vertices such that for every edge u -> v, node u comes before v in the ordering.

Public Functions

TopologicalSort(const Graph &G)

Initialize the topological sort algorithm by passing an input graph.


G – The input graph.

TopologicalSort(const Graph &G, const std::unordered_map<node, node> &nodeIdMapping, bool checkMapping = false)

Initialize the topological sort algorithm by passing an input graph and an node id map. The node id mapping must be a continuous. This can be checked by setting checkMapping to true.

  • G – The input graph.

  • nodeIdMapping – Node id mapping from non-continuous to continuous ids.

  • checkMapping – Check whether the given node id map is continuous.

virtual void run() override

Execute the algorithm. The algorithm is not parallel.

inline const std::vector<node> &getResult() const

Return the topology


One valid topology. Order in topology is from 0 to number of nodes.