Abstract base class for the two variants of Simmelian backbones (OverlapFilter, JaccardFilter).
Subclassed by NetworKit::SimmelianOverlapScore
Public Functions
SimmelianScore(const Graph &graph, const std::vector<count> &attribute)
virtual double score(edgeid eid) override
Get the edge score of the edge with the given edge id.
virtual double score(node u, node v) override
Get the edge score of the given edge.
std::vector<RankedNeighbors> getRankedNeighborhood(const Graph &g, const std::vector<count> &triangles)
Redundancy getOverlap(const node &ego, const node &alter, const std::vector<RankedNeighbors> &neighbors, const count &maxRank)
Protected Functions
void matchNeighbors(node ego, node alter, bool reciprocityCheck, std::vector<RankedEdge>::const_iterator &egoIt, const RankedNeighbors &egoNeighbors, std::unordered_set<node> &egoNeighborsUnmatched, std::unordered_set<node> &alterNeighborsUnmatched, count rank, count &overlap)
Protected Attributes
const std::vector<count> *triangles